miercuri, 3 decembrie 2008

Stop playing

I've said to myself today to STOP PLAYING.

I should stop playing and start doing. I’ve got tired to say things that never really count. I’ve got upset on people and I’ve cried. I’ve got confused during the act of life. I’ve been loosing friends and I’ve been loosing faith. I’ve been trying to fix too many broken things. I’ve been in too many places and I’ve seen to many ugly faces and I’ve been surprised. I’ve got bored on the road.
I set you free. You are probably wandering why now? I don’t want to make Christmas presents anymore to anybody (except me of course), I don’t want to save no more souls (except mine of course), I don’t want to loose more time.
I’m taking my time back and I'm leaving you my blog.
Who knows? I might be back one day or not. If you need translation…you are on the wrong page my friend…go back to your misery life, go back to things that makes you laugh, go back to where you came from.

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

I think I understand what you're doing. Is more then ok. Thank you for the clean vision and for being a real friend.

Coana Zoitzica spunea...

Nu intelegi, dar oricum mersi.